Would you like to be a HoCo Watchdog too? Fantastic! Guest post contributions to the HoCo Watchdogs blog are not only welcome but wholeheartedly encouraged and will be considered for publication at any time. Please email your written post and any associated media (pictures, links, YouTube videos etc.) to:
Guest Post Guidelines
- Include all unique & relevant facts, figures, videos etc. needed to support the topic of your post.
- Keep all opinion commentary in your post focused, respectful and well supported.
- Minimize political partisanship of the commentary and overall theme of your post.
All guest posts submitted to the HoCo Watchdogs blog will be reviewed prior to publication and may be edited to ensure compliance with all Guest Post Guidelines. Any content deemed to be offensive or unable to be verified will be removed.
Any edits made to a Guest Author post will be reviewed with the Guest Author for approval prior to publication.
All Guest Authors have the choice of having their post published with their legal name, a pseudonym, or as “Anonymous Watchdog”.