Dr. Chao Wu
Personal blog of Dr. Chao Wu.  Dr. Wu is a data scientist, Howard County Board of Education member and a community volunteer.
Frank Hecker
Personal blog of Frank Hecker.  Mr. Hecker writes about “a variety of semi-random topics that [he] happens to be interested in, including Howard County, Maryland and politics.”
A non-affiliated open-enrollment blog to inspire citizens to learn more about Adequate Public Facilities Ordinances benefits and drawbacks.
HoCo Common Sense
Personal blog of Joel Hurewitz.  Mr. Hurewitz writes about Howard County affairs and other topics of interest.
Hiruy Hadgu
Personal blog of Hiruy Hadgu.  Mr. Hadgu advocates on behalf of Howard County’s taxpayer, calling for accountability, planning, reforms, and opportunities.
Public Education in Columbia
Anonymous author blog that posts periodically about Howard County, Maryland education issues.
The People’s Voice 
The People’s Voice, LLC blog provides information to the public explaining current County plans, hearings and decisions. Its primary goal is to improve transparency and community involvement by informing citizens of local government issues that could affect their quality of life, so they can get involved and voice their support or concerns where desired.
West Howard Forum
Anonymous blog that periodically posts about Howard County, Maryland affairs from the perspective of a Western Howard County resident.