HoCo Watchdogs is committed to providing genuinely independent investigative research & analysis and sensible non-partisan advocacy to the residents of Howard County, Maryland.
Your help is needed to support these efforts!
Please consider contributing a single or monthly donation by clicking the Donate Paypal button below:
Donations received will go towards supporting current and future HoCo Watchdogs operations, including:
- Annual LLC organization filing fees
- Monthly HoCo Watchdogs website domain hosting & maintenance costs
- HoCo Watchdogs blog post authoring & maintenance
- Fees for Maryland Public Information Act requests that provide transparency & accountability for HCPSS & Howard County government institutions, officials & processes
If you have any questions prior to donating, please contact HoCo Watchdogs at hocowatchdogs@protonmail.com .
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Any dispute between donor and HoCo Watchdogs is governed by Maryland law and subject to the jurisdiction of the courts in Maryland. In the event of any dispute with HoCo Watchdogs, donor agrees that his/her/its remedy is strictly limited to the amount of the donation as liquidated damages.