HoCo Watchdogs Newsletter
Issue # 7

Welcome to the seventh issue of the HoCo Watchdogs newsletter! This newsletter provides a concise list of articles, videos & social media posts for you to stay well informed about important Howard County, Maryland issues such as public school policies, land use & development, and county governance.
Staying informed is a community effort! If you have content to recommend for a future HoCo Watchdogs newsletter, please send the title & link to hocowatchdogs@protonmail.com .
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Articles / Blog Posts
authored by HoCo Watchdogs, 06/17/2022
A detailed account of a recent political smear campaign that has been waged against Howard County Councilwoman Deb Jung for having dared to politely confront a group of local “modified car enthusiasts” who had allegedly been noisily engine revving and drag racing near Clarksville Commons.
authored by HoCo Watchdogs, 07/05/2022
Details on the laws pertaining to usage of the official Howard County seal and how three pro-Janssen Evelyn election ads, published by the Howard Progressive Project PAC and shared by the Evelyn election campaign team, concerningly include a replica image of the Howard County seal next to a picture of Evelyn.
published by Hiruy Hadgu, June 11, 2022
Blogger Hiruy Hadgu discusses the situation covered in the HoCo Watchdogs post,”The Fast and the Fictitious: When Drag Racing and Political “Hit Jobs” Collide in Howard County”, and how this incident is just one of many examples of so-called “woke racism” that is negatively affecting Howard County in a variety of concerning ways.
published by Lisa Markovitz, July 2021
A discussion about the Howard County Council’s consideration during the 2021 budget cycle to shift $5 million of the county’s proposed annual budget from being used to initiate a new housing trust fund to instead be applied to support the Howard County Public School System’s Health & Dental Fund and contingency reserve funds, and how the concerns surrounding this topic are still true today.
Videos & Other News
The Deafening Silence on HoCo’s Systemic Racism Panel Discussion
July 5, 2022
The Progressive Democrats of Howard County (PDHC) present a panel discussion on some of Howard County’s most pressing racial issues that continue to go unaddressed, moderated by Community Activist and PDHC Treasurer Hiruy Hadgu.
Topics discussed include affordable housing and public transportation, racial inequities in education opportunities, outcomes and redistricting, and the neglect of the Latino community in Howard County.
No Developer Money / No Dark Money Campaign Pledge
“I pledge not to accept developer or dark money during the 2022 election cycle.”
Special interest political donations have been corrupting both major political parties and decision-making processes in Howard County politics for far too long. All candidates running for public office in Howard County are encouraged to sign this pledge and commit to not accepting political campaign donations from past & present Howard County real estate development companies, their affiliated principal, legal, public relations & political partners and any other anonymous/dark money sources.
So far, the following local political candidates have signed the No Developer Money / No Dark Money Campaign Pledge:
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