Guest Post: The Rouse Project 2.0: The Truth about the Tenure of Former Columbia Association President Lakey Boyd and the Wrongful Smear Campaign Against the CA Board

Part One of a series of posts that critically analyzes actions taken by former Columbia Association (CA) President Lakey Boyd and the false narrative-laden smear campaign against the CA Board of Directors that occurred in the months prior to Boyd’s abrupt resignation. Part One focuses on a very concerning contract signed by former President Boyd that significantly lowered the monthly rent due by a Howard Hughes Corporation commercial tenant at one of the most desirable outdoor dining locations in the County, potentially costing CA residents over $1 million in uncollected rent payments in the long run.


Guest Post: Effort to Roll Back Recent Howard County Board of Education Election is Undemocratic

A critical opinion and historical perspective of a proposed State bill that will reduce the term of the newly-elected 2022 HCPSS Board of Education members, Dr. Linfeng Chen and Jacky McCoy, from four years (2022-2026) to just two years (2022-2024) and will also give the Howard County Executive the right to directly appoint two HCPSS Board of Education members every four years from a candidate list provided by the State Delegation.


From HoCo Common Sense Blog: Councilmember David Yungmann’s Letter to Newly Redistricted Voters of District 5 Was Campaign Material on the Taxpayers’ Dime and was Unethical, Unlawful, and Unconstitutional

A detailed discussion and legal analysis of a concerning welcome letter sent from Howard County Councilman for District 5, David Yungmann, to District 1 residents who are slated to be redistricted to District 5 after the 2022 election.


Guest Post: Maryland’s High Court Misses Badly on HCPSS Student Member of the Board Case

A critical analysis of the recent decision by the Maryland Court of Appeals to uphold the constitutionality of a state law that authorizes a 16-17 year old student, elected strictly by 11-17 year olds, to serve on the Howard County Board of Education and cast binding votes on decisions that impact public school policies.


Guest Post: Update on Lawsuit Focused on the Ball Administration’s Denial of Public Access to Hundreds of Emails Exchanged with Developer Lobbyist

“The Office of County Executive admits every claim of violating the Open Meetings Act and Public Information Act, except one…they argue that County Executive Ball’s sister in law and campaign manager did not understand the law she used to withhold from public access almost 500 emails in the files of the Office of County Executive involving a politically active County lobbyist/ developers’ lawyer.”


Guest Commentary Letter: “Something Strange Going on in the Democratic Race for the District 4 Howard County Council Seat”

“In my opinion, we have something strange going on in the Democratic race for the District 4 Howard County Council seat. A “Trump type“ candidate is staining our local politics with the most dirty campaign that I can remember…”
